MACA. Mainstore: Chris set jeans and shirt compatible with signature, belleza jake and legacy body available at @TMD (open 5 February-28 February)
Lush poses: Agustin male Bento Pose Pack phone included on Sale (21-24) for 90L in main store available at @Mainstore @Marketplace
Buganvilla Store: Adrianna set compatible with LaraX, Legacy, Perky, Reborn and Waifu available at @Dubai Event (open 20 February-15 March)
{geek store}: Jungle Cup unisex 2 size holding both hand available at @Dubai Event (open 20 February-15 March)
Cin.Ink.Apparel: 18 B INK 4 shades BOM/Evox appliers available at @Mainstore